About Us
The PCA promotes community involvement to protect and maintain the environmental integrity of the Roodekrans/Paardekraal ridge system. The PCA subscribes to a number of objectives to ensure this, some of which are :
To observe South Africa’s Constitution and its environmental laws and policies at all times.
To promote ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources.
To conserve the environment, character and heritage of the ridge system.
To conserve the natural indigenous fauna and flora of the ridge system, including all rare, threatened, vulnerable and endangered species located therein.
To ensure that the natural ecological functionality and ecological processes of the ridge system are maintained and where possible improved towards an optimum natural condition.
To ensure that all development and other matters in the ridge system and its environs are to the benefit of the inhabitants and other interested and/or affected parties.
To promote sustainable and justifiable economic and social development.
To provide inputs into any decisions, planning, development or other matters affecting the ridge system in any manner.
To take action in any situation which may influence the stated objectives or which may affect the ridge system and its environs.
The constitution of the PCA contains a full list of Aims and Objectives.
Our Vision
Ultimately the PCA envisions the area as a properly managed and protected conservation area, under national protected areas legislation. The PCA therefore supports the feasibility study already done through SANBI, in partnership with MCLM and GDARD, to create an Urban Biodiversity Reserve, which would create a protected natural area within the city limits for the benefit of the public as a recreational, educational and ecotourism resource. Such a reserve would enhance quality of life in the city, support urban wildlife,maintain functional ecosystems, and curtail the threat of unsustainable development.

Google Earth Image showing Natural Areas of the Roodepoort / Krugersdorp ridge system extending from Little Falls to Kings Kloof.